"How do you sleep at night?"
No Apologies
JoinedPosts by No Apologies
If you could ask the governing body one question, what would it be ???
by run dont walk inif you could walk into brooklyn and face the governing body, and ask one question for them to give a complete answer, what would you ask ??????
thrown for a loop by Elder
by integ in'just when i'm about to get out, they keep pulling me back in"- godfather 3.. this quote does'nt truly apply to me, but just when i am convinced there are absolutely no redeemable qualities about the borg this really nice elder comes up to me and very calmly tells me how much i am loved and missed at the meetings, to not feel any pressure, and that jehovah will always be there for me, and that he (the elder) would too.
he had a very calm, serene, quality about him.
came off as truly "spiritual".
No Apologies
Integ, I can only echo what most others here have said. What's funny is that I had a similar experience a few months ago with an elder. He was very understanding and non-confrontational, told me about some of the things he had been through as a witness. When I left his house I was totally shook up, wondering if maybe I had closed the door on JW life too quickly. But as many have pointed out, there are many fine, decent, men serving as elders. They are totally sincere, and work very hard to fulfill what is expected of them. I am sure many of them have had many a sleepless night over issues that they have had to deal with. The problem is they are as trapped in a corrupt self-serving organization as anyone else in the Hall.
That which is crooked cannot be made straight.
(of the "I will quit with the me-too posts now" class)
A little gem from the latest WT
by dmouse in.
it never ceases to amaze me the propensity that the wbts has of seeing the straw in someone else's eye but not the rafter in their own.
this little gem is from the latest july 15th watchtower, page 22. .
No Apologies
Ok, any guesses on how many Bethelites in the Writing Dept are in therapy?????
How can they write stuff like this and NOT GET IT?????? Do they seriously not see how perfectly this describes them?
Or, is it that they do get it, and they are the world's biggest cynics and con men?
The Society's response to my letter regarding my dad's suicide
by cruzanheart inwell, i finally got a response to my letter, and it only took them almost three months!
models of efficiency, they are.
actually, big tex and i think they had to run this through the legal department.
No Apologies
I would like to chime in like the others regarding this incredibly cold and mean-spirited sanctimonious letter you received. I too wrote to the Org recently. After five long months I got a reply much like yours. All the points I brought up were ignored. Instead of answering any of my questions, they encouraged me to "wait on Jehovah". They were "disappointed" to hear that I had allowed my concerns to affect my meeting attendance and field service activities. blah blah blah. That was the most amazing thing about it, that it took five months for them to send me a letter that told me nothing!!
Do you think you will write again? Or try calling? I have to beleive, lie another poster already mentioned, that every letter, every phone call, eventually could make a difference.
canadian justice coming to an end this week, hopefully
by needs_lots into all who have been following my lawsuit against the society here in canada, the judge is to make her decision this week.
it has been a long 8 months since the trial, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that she makes the right decision when it comes to protecting the children (and myself) from the wrongs of the society.
we have not heard yet if she needs more time, so friday is the end of her extension.
No Apologies
Gonna be watching this forum all day...
Netscrape is dead !
by Simon in... and it's long overdue imho.
aol have agreed to license ie for the forseeable future (at least 7 years) and have also signed up for media player 9 which must represent a major blow to real player and apple.
the two companies have also agreed to cooperate on im which should be good news for all of us (i guess yahoo won't have any option but to cooperate also or be left out).
No Apologies
Your statements re compatibility and choice makes no sense. Do you mean having fewer choices is a good thing??? If so I must disagree.
Simon, re "nothing worked with anything else",
the solution to this problem is not giving Microsoft a monopoly, its getting rid of proprietary standards. Word Processor X doesn't work with Spreadsheet Y because the source code and APIs are locked up and hidden. That's why Open Source rules!!!!! lol
I do agree that many of Microsoft's competiters have done a fine job of shooting themselves in the foot(WordPerfect, Lotus, Netscape, Borland). These companies complain that Microsoft had an unfair advantage because they had access to Windows source code, but how do they explain Microsoft Office for Mac???
Guantanomo Bay to become death camp!
by Abaddon innice to see the us government is setting standards for the rest of the world to follow again.... (links from secular blasphemy).
No Apologies
One more time:The U.S. invaded a foreign country. It attacked locals and took many of them captive and shipped them to Cuba. They are being held in a PRISON CAMP AGAINST THEIR WILL.
Are you saying that the US can just walk into any country and take people hostage? If not, then how do you justify what is happening with these detainees?
You keep referring to them as terrorists and murderers. You have not the slightest shred of evidence for using these terms.
canadian justice coming to an end this week, hopefully
by needs_lots into all who have been following my lawsuit against the society here in canada, the judge is to make her decision this week.
it has been a long 8 months since the trial, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that she makes the right decision when it comes to protecting the children (and myself) from the wrongs of the society.
we have not heard yet if she needs more time, so friday is the end of her extension.
No Apologies
I have been anxiously watching the calendar and thinking about your case; I can only imagine how stressful it must be for you!
Just remember no matter what decision the judge renders, you have made a powerful impact just by coming forward and speaking out.
Guantanomo Bay to become death camp!
by Abaddon innice to see the us government is setting standards for the rest of the world to follow again.... (links from secular blasphemy).
No Apologies
How in the world can you say their rights are not being violated? They are being held as prisoners against their will by a foreign govt. As far as anyone knows, they have not been charged with a crime, they are not allowed visits by a third party. Article 6 you quoted above seems to apply to them perfectly well. They were living in Afghanistan, when they were attacked and captured by U.S. forces.
Imagine If The Watchtower Apologzed For Their Sins
by minimus inone thing that is commonly brought up is how the society has made so many mistakes and uttered so many false prophecies.
i just wonder what would happen if the watchtower ever came out and asked forgiveness for their sins and asked to start a clean slate.
(you know, like the pope did a couple of years ago).
No Apologies
Some of us would have to change our screen names!